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Project Interactivity

Summer of 2021 I worked with Tech for Good as a Graphic Design Intern. I learned how to use Figma and other wireframing tools and worked in a group of about seven other interns on Project Interactivity, a potential website used to create interactive learning materials for students and teachers. 


Asset 1_2x (1).png
math (2).png
Asset 3 (1).png


Comp 2.gif

Website Mockup

Screen Shot 2021-07-12 at 7.22.06 PM.png

I took charge of developing a branding sheet for all the interns involved in Project Interactivity to work off of. A fellow intern designed the logo and chose the main font, which I used to develop supplementary logos and choose body text. I created the color palette with the input of other designers and used the main palette to pick accent colors and go-to color combinations. 

Artboard 1.png
Artboard 1.png
Asset 88.png
Asset 56.png
Layer 160-owlWELLdone.gif
Screen Shot 2021-08-08 at 12.17.37 AM.png
Screen Shot 2021-08-08 at 12.17.00 AM.png
Screen Shot 2021-07-30 at 9.08.13 AM.png
Screen Shot 2021-08-08 at 12.17.09 AM.png
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